Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Generation I(-pod)

Yes, I've now joined it, thanks to mom and dad--a shiny new 20GB I-pod in the mail, already loaded with tons of cool music from home. And a cool German phrasebook/dictionary to replace the one I, uh, forgot on the airplane.... Vielen Dank, folks.

I'm glad Alena and Dad were able to place the title of the last post, and it just popped into my head, no special reason for it. I'm disappointed, though, that nobody even tried to guess what Desperado could be! So I'm not telling yet. Start guessing. And I don't really know how to spell Hennie's girlfriend's name either, but yes, he's still with her. And I've mostly recovered from whatever ill feelings I had--I had to cut wayyy back on the tea and such, and drink a lot more water to rehydrate, plus Brigitte got me a bunch of different things to take.

Well, tomorrow's the big day--hopping on a train to Freiburg and moving into my dorm, where I'll be living for the next 3 and a half months. I'll finally have a Handy (cell phone) again, which will be nice, even if it's just so I can tell the time without a watch as usual, haha. I'll also finally be able to use the internet on my own laptop again (I assume!), which means I'll finally have to put my pictures where my mouth is, or something. And maybe even some Instant Messenger so I can talk a little more directly to some of you. I've never been without it for 2 solid weeks, brr. Sooo anyway, Brigitte's doing laundry for me today, and later I'll do some packing so I'll be ready to head out tomorrow. And perhaps some more movie watching, I've already watched 5 in the last 3 days I think. As usual, hope all is well with you guys, and talk to ya again soon.



Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better-- and that the "toons" arrived in time for your trip.
Have a safe and musical one.

Anonymous said...

danke fuer die Nachricht dass du in Fburg bist!! Du brauchst nicht wieder anrufen, habt ihr schon Euer Handy gekriegt?? Desperado must have something to do with cowboys,but who knows? XXXXOOOO

Anonymous said...

hahah i got my ipod in april! and i paid for it with my own money! Im a hard worker, i made all the money in a week!

Anonymous said...

Hey bud,

Good luck starting in at school, I just moved in over here at Tufts... I was disappointed to discover the ping-pong tables in the dorm are gone (I used to play on them freshman year and hadn't checked since then), I had purchased paddles and balls over the summer so I could play when I got here. I'll be curious see if we can catch each other on AIM once you're back on, might be tough with the time difference.

P.S. my posts are directed entirely at Adam, like an email... if other people see them I imagine they are relatively pointless. Read at your own risk.