Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Highly Specialized

If you thought that 2001 Florida State University Bobble Head you found on eBay was cool (it's not, by the way -- bobble heads are what's wrong with today's youth, that and methamphetamines), check out what this scientist got for his obsessive bidding habits and 20 British pounds: "eBay Insect Fossil is New Species."

If you thought the weirdest part about that article was finding a new species of aphid in a fossil bought for 20 British pounds from a guy in Lithuania through eBay, you didn't read carefully enough. Allow me:

"Dr Harrington sent the specimen to Professor Ole Heie, a fossil aphid expert in Denmark."

Sometimes I feel inadequate for not having studied anything more specific than "English" and "German," but a "fossil aphid expert"? You win, Danish scientist. You win.