Friday, August 26, 2005

It's A Girl!

But we already knew it'd be a girl. Anyway, baby Josefin entered the world at around 3 AM yesterday (Thursday) morning. There are plenty of pictures, but as with the other pics, they'll have to wait for now. BUT (yes, there's a but), if you go to you'll be taken to the Born In Peine (that's pronounced "pine," she wasn't born in pain...) website where you can see the first ever pic of baby Josie, or Fin, or Finny, or whatever nickname the family decides upon. Just click something on the main page, it should bring you to the pictures section.

Ingölf (I hope I didn't just butcher the spelling) and Doris came for a while yesterday, and later on Philly did too. It turns out she'll be in Freiburg for 3 weeks starting Monday, working at a hospital, so I'll be there for 2 weeks of her 3, which should be fun. I was supposed to leave Wednesday, of course, but I didn't want to miss Josie's big day, and Eric Spickschen told me he had a meeting in Hanover today, so he's coming to get me afterwards.

Okay, that's all for now, folks--bis bald!


Anonymous said...

Ich bin's, schon wieder! Too cool, the picture from the hospital! The timing worked out well, with Erik coming to pick you up, no lugging heavy suitcases around, yippee! Warst Du beim Geburt??????? Wir rufen wahrscheinlich Sontag an, Vati muss morgen(Samstag) arbeiten und erst gibt es die Block Party. XXX Mutti und Vati

Anonymous said...

i want to see the baby!! after all shes my 2nd cousin too! or something like that! say hi to tante britta and wolfgang for me..if ur still there or whatever. love you LOTS!!!
HUGS und Kisses

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam,

Credit your mom for giving me the URL, I didn't remember to add the blog to favorites before you left.
I just played some tennis and went down to the pool, my first real action since hurting my foot. How's your German holding up so far, and how's the food?