Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Plop Plop Fizz Fizz

Guten Tag, meine Daamen und Herren. What's goin on? I don't know why there have been so few responses to my Oktoberfest post--I guess you were all shocked and awed into submission. You might have noticed that I turned on the Word Verification system for the comments, which is to keep automated comment spam from getting in. But in case it kept you from getting in, all you need to do is write your comment and then look at the graphic they give you and make sure you type the letters you see into the space that's provided. I don't know if that was the problem you had, mom, but I'm glad you finally were able to work it out. For the rest of you, if my mom can do it, so can you.

Onto other news: Oktoberfest pics are up. Go check em out--the link to my pics is always on the right side of the screen (pretty obviously labeled), but if you can't seem to find that, it's here too:

There aren't a whole lot, which was pretty nice for me posting them, actually--it takes so long. But they're pretty cool, and once my friends get their acts together and perhaps post their pics online, I'll try to get those to you, also.

I hope those of you who needed to did remember my big sister's birthday Sunday--I forgot to post about it, but I did send her a postcard last week, so I'm hoping she's gotten it by now.

Gotta study some German tonite--the written part of the placement test is tomorrow, and the spoken part is Friday, and I really want to pull myself up by my bootstraps and leave the lowest German class, because the teacher is not very good, to put it nicely. I don't expect to advance, but oh well, gotta try anyway. Last night Dave and I made dinner together and planned to study German too, but the studying stuff didn't happen. Dinner took a long time, schmeckt gut, though--pasta with sauce and shredded gouda, a salad, and wine. Afterwards Rachelle, Jamie, and Kristina came over and we baked cookies and proceeded to eat them. That was tizight.

Anyway, check out those pics, post some comments so I know you can all handle it and that you're paying attention, and I'll check y'all lata, aight? Bleib cool. Bleib super cool.


Anonymous said...

yes, that is exactly what happened, I figured out you had to type a word verification in, hurrah for me, even if I am only your mother!! Can't get to your pics from the right hand side, it says page won't open, and you forgot(once again!!) to put the link on your blog. I just went to the former blog that you wrote it in. Hmmm....should I send the link to my brothers again, guess they would appreciate the latter pics too, where everything is getting out of focus! Love the Patenbrau pic the best, cool. Told Mrs. S. to remind Mark about the blog, but don't know if she did. Good luck with the test tomorrow, you had better do ok, I will be counting on it, after all the time you have been there! How did the washing go??? Alena did get your postcard already and the email card, she thanks you. viele liebe gruesse und kuesse an dir, rufe mal Thorlef und Brig, oder email sie bevor Freitag. Mutti XXOO

Anonymous said...

Maxie-- I'm so proud of all you're doing to foster better international relations! Helping the Australasians overcome their language barrier, and taking a spare liter of beer off a waitress's gigantic hands should do a lot to repair our tattered image among our allies.
I definitely need to know more about whether Germans are into The Stooges. I suppose "N'yuk n'yuk n'yuk" is the same in any language.
Keep up the carbo-loading, and maybe get some actual studying in, and you'll do fine on the test!
Yer pal, Dad
PS-- David Ortiz for Chancellor! Spread the word!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the postcard, i actually got it the day after my birthday so it wasn't horribly late. thanks for the email too. I haven't checked out your pics yet because you got the link wrong... an extra "http://".