Thursday, September 15, 2005

Bleib super cool

That's merely one of the many delightful phrases my friends and I learned when we saw the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith auf Deutsch. That, of course, means "Stay super cool," roughly. Others included Ich geb auf (I give up) and Ohne Scheiß? (Which in polite company might translate to "Oh yeah?"). The movie was decent, mostly just full of action and some comedic relief, but it was definitely better to see it in German. It was more interesting that way, held the attention better because we all had to work at translating everything. Plus it wasn't any sort of mind-boggling plot line, so it wasn't difficult to follow. Oh, and I've been to two different German movie theaters now (the first was with Lisa and Jonder when we saw Charlie und die Schokolade Fabrik), and they rule American theaters. The seats are large, cushy, and fantastic, with stadium seating. Plus commercials are better when they're in a foreign language.

After Herr und Frau Smith we went out to dinner. The place was called Schnitzel Paradies (I think you can all get that one). It doesn't get much better than a house of schnitzel, and it was indeed good eats and cool atmosphere.

At 7:00 this evening we're going to a German movie for class, I don't remember what we're seeing but hopefully it will be fine. Afterwards we'll go to a bar for some drinks with our teachers, which should be interesting too. One of our teachers (yeah, we have 2 for some crap reason) is awesome: his name is Kai, and he's originally from Texas, but he's been in Germany longer than I've been alive, I think, so he's very German. He's a great professor, very interesting and engaging. The other one is Evangelia, and she's basically a kindergarten teacher, because we mostly color things and throw around big fuzzy dice. That's all I'll say about her. So anyway, after drinks it's time for Karaoke night at the Dubliner, an (obviously) Irish pub. Can't wait for that.

Aaaand finally, we're going to Switzerland Saturday, but then a bunch of us are going straight from there Saturday night to Munich for Oktoberfest, woooo! Yeah, it starts Saturday, and actually ends sometime in October. The trip there will be like 8 hours, but we'll just hafta sleep on the train and whatnot. We'll head back to Freiburg Sunday night. It's definitely gonna be an adventure.

As usual, hope all is well, and see ya later.


Anonymous said...

Gut dass Ihr nach Muenchen fahren koennen, vergiss nicht bei den Deutschen zu sitzen, nicht nur mit Amis, Ihr werdet viel mehr vergnuegen haben!!!! Zum Wohl!! deine Mutti(Vati sagt auch Hallo!)Viel spass auch bei Kareoke heute Abend. Hope you are checking your email too, send you one yest.

Your Pal Adam said...

Don't click the links in the comment that random guy left, I'm sure it's comment spam and quite possibly involves a virus. If I can figure out how to get there with the instructions being in German here, I'll try to set it up so a post requires a quick confirmation that helps against comment spam.


Anonymous said...



wow it sounds like ur having a blast, i wish i knew enough german to WATCH GERMAN MOVIES!! that sounds so kool. could u really understand them ??

so when in france, were the girls as skinny as they say...?u know "french girls dont get fat" were they as pretty as me?!?!?!? hehe dont be honest unless i like the answer.

so do the germans shave their pits?! i always wonder that everytime i go to germany, but i never get the chance to look..haha

well i love you adam, i hope u are making lots of german girlfriends!

KISSKISS and a big BIG hug!