Friday, May 16, 2008

One Small Step

My right foot has hurt since frisbee practice almost a month ago. It wasn't completely better by the time I ran the marathon, but I didn't notice my foot hurting during that (well, not hurting in this specific way...marathons hurt in general). Of course the marathon couldn't have helped it anyway. Last week I was reduced to limping around Budapest and Slovakia, trying to compensate for the pain which had returned with a vengeance. This limping only led to the rest of my leg hurting too.

But I went to frisbee Wednesday and Thursday and I was able to practice. I was in pain, especially when trying to switch directions quickly off that foot, but it wasn't as bad as I would have expected, given how it was last week. Then I went to a party with Alex, an Iowan here for three weeks near Wiesbaden. He plays Ultimate and has been coming to the Mainz practices, so we talked to one of the Germans on the team and met up with him at a university party after practice last night. I ended up walking home since I missed my bus by about three minutes, and that 40 minute walk had me cringing again.

I can run and play frisbee at fairly high speed but walking at regular speed kills me. How does that make sense? I feel like I'm stuck in the movie Speed III: Run, Don't Walk.

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