Tuesday, May 27, 2008

No Closure For Young Men

As you may have already gleaned from the bitter title, I watched No Country for Old Men today. Great movie, but man, I thought I was watching the first of a summer blockbuster trilogy the way it ended. At least if this had starred some bulked up bonehead you could to expect a second movie to heighten the agony while boring the crap out of you and a third movie to tie off loose ends, albeit unsatisfactorily. This must be what it felt like when that one playoff game was interrupted by Heidi, assuming the teams in that particular playoff game were literally slaughtering each other.

Which one's creepy and which one's a movie villain?

I suppose that's a mark of great literature, though. There's nothing we intellectual types love more than stories that are wiiide open to interpretation. Gives us plenty of room to force our crackpot theories on people. Stories that end unsatisfactorily are a lot like life, too. Nothing ever gets wrapped up in a neat little package, you never really know the full story because it's ongoing, and

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