Stasia exclaimed, "It doesn't really look like Big Bird, but it looks like a chick for Easter!" Anthony had no need to be modest: this is adorable and timely, what with Easter Sunday coming up. This creature belongs in a microwave next to an Easter Peep. We'll call this Big Bird's baby picture. At least it's not embarrassing. He could have been splashing around naked in the birdbath.
That's an impressive drawing for the iPhone. Simple and stylish. I'm not sure what app he used. On my iPod Touch I have the app Brushes, which I bought ages ago thinking it'd be sweet to draw on the go. But I hated trying to use such a small screen, scroll around, zoom in and out constantly, etc, so I almost never use it. I can't control the scale of my drawings, so I need a lot of space in case things sprawl wildly.
Also, on my original Big Bird post Stasia had commented about the accuracy of my drawing's "'guitar holding' pose" based on this diagram:

The link she posted to the diagram didn't work, so I wanted to make sure you all saw it. Stasia clarified, "That's not to say that the second arm never moves, but it requires a second puppeteer." Either way, go me. Please note: the Big Bird operator appears to be wearing solid 6 inch platform shoes. Maybe they should just hire a tall guy instead. Hint hint. Although I don't think I could pull off the high-pitched Big Bird voice, which would mean everyone's nightmare: more wrong sounding muppets. Can you imagine how frightened children would be if my voice came out of Big Bird?
I hope I get more Big Bird pictures. Even though Cookie Monster is my favorite. Feel free to draw him, too, if you're looking to truly make my day.
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