Monday, January 16, 2006

The Naked Truth

I went shopping today with my mom. We had a fairly productive day: a winter jacket, a belt (reversible!), and a pair of running shoes. I despise shopping though, especially for shoes. I realized when I was in Germany that I could really use a pair of dress-casual shoes, since cross-trainers didn't cut it at some of the nicer places, plus it's a lot easier to look nice no matter what you're wearing if you've got dress-casual shoes instead of sneakers. But, while it's hard to find size 14 sneakers, it seems to be impossible to find size 14 casual shoes. I pointed out that apparently tall people aren't supposed to dress nicely, but my mother wouldn't accept that; No, she reminded me, tall people apparently aren't supposed to dress at all. Yes, the bright side of the issue is that it's not just shoes that are hard to find, it's everything, when you're tall. Sweet bright side.

On the actual bright side of things, when some movers took my sister's old desk and bureau out of her room the other day, I found buried treasure: a Dumb and Dumber pog. Yes, that's right, a Dumb and Dumber POG. No, stop,'s not for sale. It's a keeper.

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