Sunday, January 06, 2008

And A Happy New Year

Did you make any resolutions? The reason I ask is so I can get a pool going for how long it'll be before you break those resolutions. Tell me quickly, before you gorge yourself on cookie dough! (I'm looking at you, Alena.)

What else is the new year about, other than resolving and then failing to better oneself?

Is it a time for revamping? My room could use some revamping. I swear it gets messier every day. And what's with all this dust? It's as if dust accumulates even when I'm not here. Who's dumping their dust on all my stuff when I'm not here? That's breaking and entering. I'll overlook it if you'll come take your dust back.

Is it a time for rewriting? For a month I'll be writing down the wrong date when signing documents, but I don't usually notice in time to rewrite it.

Is it a time of renewal? I returned everything to the library, so that can't be it. Maybe I should renew my Breakfast Club membership (I was the stuck-up chick).

Is it a time for refreshing? I refresh my inbox far too often as it is. If I checked my apartment mail slot as often as I do my email inbox, the receptionist would demand a restraining order.

Okay, maybe it's just a time for resolving. I resolve to post more often -- no more of this "two weeks of vacation" stuff. If I have to stay home with my internet, rambling insanely about how many dishes I have to wash from my breakfast of granola and yogurt (two) instead of traveling, so be it. Who cares if I have a nice Christmas with relatives and then a fun New Year's in Italy if I'm not here to chronicle it? If every minute detail doesn't end up clogging the blogosphere, how can it even matter? (Clog: fun word, ugly shoe. Clogosphere: fun word, not that spherical.)

It can't. I have failed you, loyal readers (reader?).

But No More!

From now on, expect a direct link-up to my brain. If I think it, it will appear here {mental note: Fraggle Rock...where are they now? Possible: enslaved by Mole Man. Probable: cave-in, no survivors}. If it happens, it will appear here (once I learn to draw everything around me in ASCII pictures: ~(_8o(|) <--That's Homer, for a start. Give it time).

Or maybe a new year means returning to the original plan, which is to give you a quick rundown of some highlights of the last couple of weeks, eventually post some pictures with some absurd captions, and then resume a strict posting schedule of "eh, every other day or so." Of course the more feedback I receive, the more likely I am to post. It's fun for me to know people read this stuff, even if it's not fun for people to read this stuff (I give and I give and it turns out it's all for me. Mwahaha).

Speaking of the original plan, I forgot the step where I still have to feed myself. Turns out the highlights of my trip will have to wait until after I make dinner or maybe even until tomorrowish. I'm a bad man. Using Homer once again, I'll sum up the situation: "Some people never change. Or, they quickly change and then quickly change back." Eat my shorts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want details about Italy, darn it!! KC