Saturday, October 27, 2007

Don't you forget about me

It's been a while, hasn't it? Yeah, I missed you too, give us a hug. Okay, you can let go now...awkward.

What to tell, what to tell? I'll start off recent, don't want to get too ambitious or I might scare myself away from this thing again. Gotta ease my way back in. Be gentle. Sam came to visit this weekend. I must say we had a good time, but Friday was tops. We had a fantastic lunch buffet at the Eisgrub (it means "ice cavern, basically) -- a place where they not only brew their own delicious beer, but also have some of the cheapest buffets I've ever seen -- and right after that we had an even better wine buffet.

There was a "Wine Forum," whatever that means, for the Rheinhessen region, so for five and a half hours we tried our best to work our way through over 150 types of wine. I mean, we gave it the ol' college try...which meant that instead of swishing a little sip around in our mouths and then spitting out the rest and dumping half a glass of perfectly good wine in a big bucket, we swallowed each large gulp we took. There was no way we were getting through 150 types of wine, but I still felt like I accomplished a lot. Namely, I got my money's worth and didn't throw up. Seriously, when everyone else around you is spitting wine into giant communal buckets, it is not a relaxing atmosphere. We soldiered on, though, and had a delicious time.

Did you eat some peanut butter today? I did, for the first time in a couple of months. They don't have good peanut butter in Germany. Brittany and I found a connection to the military PX in Wiesbaden, so she brought me a jar of Jif yesterday, and it is glorious. I recommend you spread some on an oreo or some other treat right now, just because you can.

I just set my clocks back for European Daylight Saving Time, but I'm not fooled: I know it's not that early, and I am tired! Thus, bed.

Go Sox.

And Pats.

And go, Gadget Blog Post.

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