Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I'll Have My People Call Your People

In response to Mark, but also info for whoever else might have a burning desire to call me: my home zone cell phone number is 07612048038. I'm normally in my "home zone," but if it goes to some sort of German woman speaking about voicemail, don't leave a message, because I don't have my mail set up. I don't know if that's exactly how you would have to call me from America though--when my parents read this, they can post a comment clarifying, I'm sure.

On the other hand, it costs me 15 cents a minute to call America from here, so it's not a horrible deal (my friend has a phone card that only lowers it to about 13 cents a minute, but he mostly uses it to call France, because I guess it's expensive to call to other European countries for some reason?). So I can definitely make an effort to call some people sometimes, the only problem being that I don't have many people's phone numbers anymore, since I don't have my normal cell phone or even normal access to talking to people on AIM to ask for numbers. I've even forgotten your cell phone number, Mark, embarrassingly enough--I wanna say 671 something, but I don't want to risk an international wrong number. Of course, if anybody wants me to have their number, but doesn't want the other 2 readers of my blog to know it, they can email me at

Thanks to dad for a couple of good links over the past few days, including an interview with Neil Gaiman at The Onion's AV Club and a wonderfully nostalgic article at the Washington Post about the new complete collection of Calvin and Hobbes. I gotta check the library and see if they have some Calvin and Hobbes--although if it's in German, I have a feeling it wouldn't be quite the same.

And disaster averted: I got my IPod to start working again. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but there's a button combination you have to hold sometimes if it messes up, and I had to charge it again. Crazy IPod.

I had 2 classes yesterday, my normal Advanced German course at 9 AM and then Midieval Mindset at like 6 PM. German 305 will be alright I suppose, even though I wish I had been able to pull myself up to the middle level course instead. Midieval Mindset seems like it will be interesting--the professor seems really cool, and actually not that difficult to follow so far. He has a ridiculously deep voice too, it's nuts. I've never been that interested in history, but oh well, we'll see, and also we've got tons of field trips planned, so that'll be good.

I meant to check out a literature course, but I didn't notice that it was today at like 12:15, so I missed it, but I also had an advising session with one of the IES people at 1:00, so I wouldn't have been able to stay for all of it anyway. It's only a backup course, too, so I'm not that worried. I'm going to Media, Society, and Politics at 4ish, that seems like it'll be a cool course. Skyy (the woman with whom I had my advising session) warned me that the professor often tries to make the course seem really hard at first, because everybody wants to take it, but not to be worried because it's mostly just to try to scare some people off. Good to know, since I frighten easily, and am known to freeze up and even wet myself.

I'm still waiting to hear back from Meredith--she's in London now for the semester, and we're planning to meet up at some point. She emailed me just over a week ago, but of course I was in Berlin so I didn't get to respond until Monday. Good times.

Aaaaanyway, I have a lot of time until my next class, but I'm getting bored and will probably just start writing about things like my grocery list if I don't quit now, so I'll bid you adieu. I expect comments too, people, I slave over this blog and you give me nothing...nothing! I'll think about posting more pics if I get a better response with news and stuff, like the cool one Mark wrote. I just enjoy the imagery of doing a mix of karate and The Robot. Like the Robot Fight from Eurotrip. So, okay, um, see ya next time?


Anonymous said...

schoen, dass Mark entlich geantwortet hat, nicht?! Leider war ich nicht hier, frueher, fuer dein anruf, Vati hat mir aber alles erzaehlt. Du warst nur einen Punkt weg von den hoeheren Deutsch Klasse? Hoffentlich kannst Du wechseln, und es wird nicht zu schwer fuer dich! Kannst gut die Boxers und langaermlicher Hemd benutzen, wenn es kalt ist, nicht? Na ja, ich hoere jetzt auf, muss Armbrot machen. Dicken kuss, Mutti XXOO

Alena said...

hey, sorry for disappearing on IM this morning... I thought you'd left so I went to go read before work. I start work at 8:30 but I usually leave the house at 8 so I have time to grab Starbucks, etc.

Alena said...

Oops, forgot to finish my comment. Anyhoo, hope things are going well in Germany... here's a random story for you-- I was at a bar on Capitol Hill yesterday for happy hour with my kickball team. I'm drinking margaritas when I see two secret service people come in, glaring suspiciously at my drink. This guy comes in and stands by the takeout counter, waiting for his tortillas. It was Porter Goss, the head of the CIA. Some of my friends got a picture taken with him... one of the guys was like "I really love your CIA work, Mr. Goss!" It was pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

hey who are the 'other 2 people?'

Anonymous said...

ADAM!! Hope Germany is treating you well man. I dunno, by my count, there are at least 4 other people reading this... But whatever, 508 360 2020 if you get bored.
I'm starting track again November 1st, for better or worse. The coaches are supposed to be amazing, but everyone has been warning me for the past 3 weeks that I really need to get in shape or I will die. Literally. Everyone is very worried about you too for when you make your return. Haha, its nice to know we are still being thought of even though our presence isn't obvious. Now that this was a good procrastination tool for another little while, I ought to go do some work. Have a good time and drink a couple German beers for me man.