When I was 14 I wanted nothing more than to own every version of every Beastie Boys album. I had just discovered some international versions in Germany and collected what I could. I sorta trailed off there, though, when I felt I'd gotten most of the stuff worth getting and when other music caught my attention. The
Anthology was an excellent cross-section anyway.
11 years later, the B. Boys are still putting out new stuff, and while I wasn't very impressed with their 2004 effort,
To The 5 Boroughs, the newest release,
Hot Sauce Committee Part Two, is a remarkable return to form. You can
stream it for free here (via Soundcloud) and you can stream or download
a sweet megamix of the Beastie Boys through the ages by DJ Z-Trip here, which I'm jammin' to while typing this very post. Point being, if the Beasties can keep kickin' it after all these years, the least I can do is keep kickin' it after all these weeks, "it" in my case being Big Bird posts.
Another recruit from Easter, Stasia's aunt Meg requested to draw Big Bird on paper. Unorthodox, I know, but I allowed it: I don't say no to drawings in any format. Etch a sketch of Big Bird on an Etch-A-Sketch and mail me that if you really want. Just because I can't do it doesn't mean
you shouldn't.
So here's our first colored-pencil-and-paper submission:

Magnificent. In case you can't read the inscription, the message reads, "This is what Big Bird
really looks like." Can't argue with that.
Uhhhhhnless you've actually seen Big Bird. Then you've probably got a solid argument formulated.
The scan quality isn't perfect; some of the vibrancy of the colors were lost in scanslation. But this interpretation of Big Bird, with his gaudy head feathers and flamboyant neon orange- and pink-striped legs and neck, looks like an Ostrich of Paradise. This must be the mutilated extreme of the
fabulous Big Bird envisioned by Stasia: Big Bird after years of wearing
African neck rings to stretch out his neck in the vain pursuit of an ideal of beauty. (Or tourist dollars.)
Hollywood does terrible things to bird-people.
In Meg's defense, Big Bird wasn't of her childhood, nor did her kids watch much
Sesame Street, so taking those things into consideration, this is a fantastic effort. Big Bird is also on the advanced side of Sesame Street characters you could draw from memory. Cookie Monster, my favorite, is probably beginner, since he's mostly just a blue blob with googly eyes and a gaping, cookie-devouring, black-hole of a maw. Snuffleupagus would be be intermediate to draw and advanced to spell (yeah, Google Suggest corrected it for me -- and that's
Mr. Snuffleupagus to you).
So go ahead and try your hand at a drawing or painting or whatever, whether you're looking at it currently or you've only heard of it in passing and never actually seen one in real life. Hey, maybe you can find a field of blooming dandelions and strategically kick some of the yellow heads off to carve out a Big Bird shape. Now
that's a picture I want to see (or a field I want to stumble upon while hiking). To inspire you, here's a poem I wrote in creative writing class in high school, after doing some tongues-on research by licking the head of a dandelion:
Ain't so dandy;
They don't taste at
All like candy.