I assume she cited me properly when she referenced my guide in her grad school essay. With my someday-complete 7-volume work by your side (7 is a powerful number because it ate 9 in this dream I had), you, too, will be destined for greatness as a drama- and/or movement-therapist with an emphasis on dream deliciousness. Also, you will no longer find yourself devouring inedible objects in non-dream world, or "the real world" (as some call it, though is something really real if it's inedible? Yes - check out volume 3 for the exciting proof!). This will greatly ease your stomach pains and subsequently your nightmares. Order now!
Go ahead and draw me your own dream symbol interpretations if you've got those kinds of things. Oh, and I'll definitely post a new Big Bird picture soon, promise. But send me more drawings, even in dream world if you'd like. Also by real world email, just in case. I tend to eat things in dream world.
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