I got a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting from Two Fat Cats Bakery. My dad noted admiringly, "It tastes like a giant Funny Bone." True. A giant, delicious, handmade Funny Bone. I didn't put it in the fridge like last time, either.
I had some delicious, low-carbonation craft beers with friends at Gritty's. I hate carbonation.
I avoided all the storms while biking.
And best of all, I got some awesome handmade cards. Here's the card my sister made me (don't forget to click images to embiggen them and read the fine print):

My sister said she deliberately hid the hands and feet here since those are the features that give her the most trouble. I pointed out that that's true of professional comics artists, as well. Either way, she did a nice, subtle job of hiding the deformed extremities. I rate this card Totally Tubular, dude.
For purposes of comparison, here's a card I made for Stasia's birthday last year:

And here's a simply incredible card Stasia drew by hand and held up to her webcam so I could see it:

Whale done, indeed! Luckily I'd already seen your Ninja Turtle card, so I was spared that horrific shock, but then I think I lost a few years off my life from the Rob Liefeld article. How does that guy keep getting work?!
If I had been drinking, I would have done a spit take laughing at the part about saying "whale done" with a British accent! Except for the part where you said I had a British accent >:( Anyway, on the upside, this is an amusing post. On the downside, now people know how sickly sweet and romantic we actually are... that is if they got past the coffee spitting and nightmares.
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